Hello world!

Written by   on 12 April 2018  in News

Hello world! The Sanctum is now open to the public. Stay tuned for updates in the upcoming weeks.

21 comments on “Hello world!”

  1. Hello im from the republic of Finland and i Love The Kingdoms of Amalur with a Burning Passion it is one of my favorite games of all time next to Skyrim an Mass effect ( Me Andromeda sucked ass ) im so glad that theres a place for people like us who share a passion for such a underrated game that newer got the chance it deserved

  2. sorry i wrote Randomguyfromfinland wrong my mistake ๐Ÿ™

  3. yeah im the first to post a comment this is legendary ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Hello from France Finnish guy, ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for the cheers. I’m a huge fan of Reckoning too, thus why I made this site. ^^ Imho, the fate of this game was totally unfair. Why the studios went bankrupt had nothing to do with the game they produced. Reckoning is an awesome game and it’s a pity the studios couldn’t have produced the sequels which were planned.

    We can still make mods though and it’s one of my ambitions once the multiple formats used in the game files will be figured out. It’s going well, you can visit the discord chat to get more info.

  5. Ive heard that there is a mod called Ysa named after the king in the Game, the mod makes the game a lot harder ( original game was quite easy thats why i loved it because i got stressed out from skyrim) but the mod is only for pc and its very difficult to install due to the lack of mod support for the game ๐Ÿ™

    1. Hehe, the Ysa hack was in fact named after the author (Yougneil1). YSA stands for Youngneil1 Shapes Amalur.

      While the author really did an awesome work, Ysa is not a mod but a memory hack like all Cheat Engine releases. It was the only thing possible to do at that time though because of the encoded file formats of the game files.

      What I’m seeking to do is a traditional mod, i.e: you grab the mod, install it once, and the game will stay in a modded state as long as you don’t uninstall the mod.

      Although there are still shady zones, I’m not too far to be able to produce mods for Reckoning and there are many ideas I have in mind to improve the balance and gameplay of the game. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. it would be awesome if a big team of passionate modders would make a new dlc for the game like skyrim has moonpath to Elsweyr mod but the state of rhode island owns the rights to the game so its illegal methinks. if i had all the money in the world and a gaming company i would buy the rights and make koa 2 and it would be glorious! i have an idea of the story of the sequel but it is just fanfiction in the story the hero of the first game is the bad guy he or she has gone insane with godlike powers and a new hero is needed to stop him or her( i hate that in english has words him and her to describe gender we in finnish have a word called Hรคn, hรคn is gender neutral meaning a man or a woman.)

    1. imo, modding is not considered illegal as long as it’s not made for profit. While modding Reckoning is definitely possible, I don’t think we’ll ever see big mods adding additional content or quests unfortunately. ๐Ÿ™ The lack of modding tools coupled with the encoding of the game files are the main reason.

      Do you know that a sequel was in pre-production? It was supposed to be much darker than Reckoning. BHG had already started to write a plot about it. Will post more information in a dedicated article.

  7. They tried to make an mmorpg why? everybody knows that wow is the king of mmorpg games for almost 15 years. even big brands like Lord Of The Rings, DC Comics, And God Damn Star Wars Tried And failed Miserably, think about it Star Wars, almost the whole human popululation in planet earth knows Star wars, sadly only a few million tops know koar ):

    1. the mmo was a different project developed at 38 Studios. While it looks awesome, I don’t think it would have brought enough money to offset the huge amount of money invested.

      I was in fact referring about the sequel of Reckoning which was a RPG developed by BHG before the company went bankrupt. That game would have been awesome for sure.

  8. Lol i wrote population wrong ๐Ÿ™‚ oh well. You speak French a hard language to learn and i speak Finnish one of the hardest languages to learn by foreigners, this is the only way we can communicate, hope others find this site soon, Im a lone wolf don,t have any friends coz i don,t trust people, its nice talking to you on Through Cyberspace

    1. It’s ok. I make mistakes in English myself, it’s not our native language but it’s the international language, the reason why my site is in English too.

      Native English speakers are lucky, they don’t have to learn any foreign language since every foreigner will learn their language anyway. French is still useful in Africa, many countries in this continent speak French and don’t practice English at all.

  9. in the middle ages Latin and Greek were international languages but they where the language of the elite. Kings and nobility most people did not know how to read or write because everything was in Latin or Greek, you are luckcyer still than me because finnish is spoken by 5 milllion people an french is spoken by tens of millions coz your homeland was a superpower once and still has a powerful army, but no more of history and politics, they are terrible subjects to speak or write of. Thats why i like to play RPGS in a fantasy realm that has its own history ( even thou Skyrim was set partially on my own Culture it depicted the swedes and norvegians more, in a game you gan be whatever you want to be
    a Prince, a Warrior, or maybe a wise Wizard

  10. Are you on to me? is this a cruel trap? are you playing with my emotions, coz i dont wanna get my heart broken to the ground again please be kind and answer me, I have no time for cruel people ๐Ÿ™

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